Resource – Music for Holy Week
2nd April 2021
Resurrection Sunday Programme
3rd April 2021

An Easter Gift

Hi Everyone.

We can’t give you an Easter egg online, but here’s an Easter Gift for you – a short devotional on the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus.

Here’s an excerpt from the Introduction:
“A few years ago we did a “Stations of the Cross” display at our church.
It was so meaningful to people that a year later we did a “Stations of
the Resurrection.”

I asked Anse Sotiralis, one of our members, to do the artwork, while
our “Office Gang” put the posters together.

While the “Stations of the Cross” were quite sombre and serious, the
“Stations of the Resurrection” are hopeful and inspiring. People enjoyed
them, but the very short window between Good Friday and Easter
Sunday didn’t make viewing the display easy for everyone.

It struck me that an e-book might be more accessible and usable. And
so this is what you have here.

You can browse it down below or click HERE to download it.

I hope you enjoy it!

GodBless and Much Love,

