4th September 2019

It’s our Fête – Save the Date!!!

These fotos are from our Fête in 2016. It was a day of fun and fellowship. I remember the sounds, sights and smells of the day… Trevor Nasser plucking his guitar, children laughing at the photo booth, the colors of the crafts, the head-bowed-book-browsers and let’s not even talk about the aroma […]
14th March 2020

Email Sat 14 March. Corona.

Email Sat 14 March. Corona.
18th March 2020

Email Wednesday 18 March: Our Covid Response

Email Wednesday 18 March. Our Covid19 Response.
21st March 2020

Email and WhatsApp 21 March Invitation to eService

Email and WhatsApp 21 March Invitation to e-service. (With kids’ resources as well.)
21st March 2020

Church at Home (During Covid19 Outbreak) 22 March 2020

  We’re coming to you… There’s no Emmanuel, Grace or Evening Service tomorrow… Out of care for our community we’re doing our part to “flatten the curve” in order to limit the spread of the Corona virus. So, we recorded a service for tomorrow. The recording process experienced all sorts of glitches […]
24th March 2020

eMail on Tue 24 March: Don’t Shrink During Lockdown

We sent an eMail on Tue 24 March “Don’t Shrink in Lockdown”
26th March 2020

WhatsApp 26 March Challenge: John’s Gospel

WhatsApp 26 March Challenge to read a chapter a day of John’s gospel.
28th March 2020

Email and WhatsApp 28 March

Email and WhatsApp 28 March Our (with kids’ resources as well.)
28th March 2020

Church at Home (During Covid19 Lockdown) 29 March 2020

We’re coming to you… We’re on lockdown – but we can still be the church! You can watch the service at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5suywBrJ180 Here’s what we’d love you to do: Don’t just watch the service at “any old  time”. Make a moment of it. Set aside time on Sunday (maybe the normal church […]
4th April 2020

Church at Home (During Covid19 Lockdown) 05 April 2020

We’re coming to you… We’re on lockdown – but we can still be the church! You can watch the service at https://youtu.be/fkaPnk2lYLI   Here’s what we’d love you to do: Don’t just watch the service at “any old  time”. Make a moment of it. Set aside time on Sunday (maybe the normal […]
7th April 2020

7 April: Mid-lockdown (Holy Week in Lockdown)

7 Apr: Mid-lockdown Check-In from Theo. Here’s the video and here’s the email.
15th April 2020

15 Apr: Midweek Update: Pastoral Letter and Devotion from 1 Peter

15 Apr: Midweek Update: Some announcements and a short msg of encouragement from Theo. The you-tube link is https://youtu.be/GMTbY164p8w There’s also an